
Project Structure

Does your project have the artifacts we exepect and can you find them?

Does you have a public repostory for your project?

Does your project have testing and/or continous integration and do you use it?

Does your project have a contributions guidelines and can you find them?

Does your proejct have a website and can you find them?

Does your project have a Code of Conduct and can you find it?

Does your project have a style guidelines document and can you find it?

Does your project have comunications channels and can you find them?


Max Escaler

How much have you contributed locally and/or offered back to the external community?

How big is your codebase, are you using it effectively and with the appropriate interfaces?

Have you generated any documentation for the project and is your code easily understood?

Did you need to learn new technologies? Did you document your learning path in a tutorial?

Are you providing a roadmap for your contributions and what you are generating and learning?

Are you participating in community activities such as code reviews and the discussion forum?

Issac Kim

How much have you contributed locally and/or offered back to the external community?

How big is your codebase, are you using it effectively and with the appropriate interfaces?

Have you generated any documentation for the project and is your code easily understood?

Did you need to learn new technologies? Did you document your learning path in a tutorial?

Are you providing a roadmap for your contributions and what you are generating and learning?

Are you participating in community activities such as code reviews and the discussion forum?

Cameron Riley

How much have you contributed locally and/or offered back to the external community?

How big is your codebase, are you using it effectively and with the appropriate interfaces?

Have you generated any documentation for the project and is your code easily understood?

Did you need to learn new technologies? Did you document your learning path in a tutorial?

Are you providing a roadmap for your contributions and what you are generating and learning?

Are you participating in community activities such as code reviews and the discussion forum?

Edwin Wallis

How much have you contributed locally and/or offered back to the external community?

How big is your codebase, are you using it effectively and with the appropriate interfaces?

Have you generated any documentation for the project and is your code easily understood?

Did you need to learn new technologies? Did you document your learning path in a tutorial?

Are you providing a roadmap for your contributions and what you are generating and learning?

Are you participating in community activities such as code reviews and the discussion forum?